Tag: philosophy

  • Does Not Watching the News Make Me a Happy Pig

    Does Not Watching the News Make Me a Happy Pig

    Research shows that screen time for children under the age of two is deterimental to their development. This is why we have decided not to allow screen time for our baby. When she was a newborn, I used to have the TV on during feeds. However, as the weeks passed by, she became more alert…

  • From Naivety to Left-Wing Politics to Libertarianism – My Political Journey

    Article written in 2015 When I was 16 I attended a seminar about exploitation at a local university. The seminar leader asked us to discuss how we are victims of capitalism. Clutching my designer handbag and wearing my Diesel jeans I responded, “I don’t think I am a victim of capitalism. I love shopping!” I…

  • Alexa, You’re Fired

    Alexa, You’re Fired

    Christmas 2017, my husband receives an Amazon Echo, aka Alexa, as a gift from me. March 2019 and she’s in the bin. At first, “Silly Alexa” was the response when her blue lights came on to indicate she was listening, when we hadn’t asked her anything. Then she began to frequently burst out with phrases…

  • Stoicism Changed My Life

    Stoicism Changed My Life

    I always used to think that the key to happiness was being relentlessly optimistic. Put a smile on your face and believe that your dreams will come true! But the problem is that life doesn’t always go to plan. When your dog has eaten an entire Easter egg and you’re on your way to the emergency…