Tag: travel

  • Olivia’s First Flight at 12 Weeks Old

    Olivia’s First Flight at 12 Weeks Old

    Unexpectedly, two weeks postpartum I was ready to venture out into the world with my daughter. I asked my husband to give me a tutorial on how to use the pram and car seat, and set off to take my 14-day-old new born on our first trip alone together. I took her to my old…

  • European Road Tripping with our Diggy Dog: UK to Malta

    European Road Tripping with our Diggy Dog: UK to Malta

    Last year my husband and I made the decision to move from our home in Nottingham (UK), to the sunny Mediterranean island of Malta. One of our first considerations when making the move was how to transport our gorgeous cocker-spaniel, Poppy. She is exceptionally soft, both fur wise and emotionally, so putting her on a…

  • One Week of Relaxation, Fun and Adventure in Mallorca

    One Week of Relaxation, Fun and Adventure in Mallorca

    Article written in 2015 My partner and I recently went on holiday to Mallorca for a week. We decided to spend our first few days in Magaluf (famous for its partying scene) and then moved on to a resort north of the island, with beautiful scenery and a calming atmosphere. On the coach from the airport…

  • Malta’s U-turn on Compulsory Vaccination for Travel

    Malta’s U-turn on Compulsory Vaccination for Travel

    There are two things you should know before you read this article. 1) I am double jabbed with the Covid-19 vaccine, and 2) I am a strong believer that vaccines save lives. Malta’s decision to insist that all people exiting and entering the country must be vaccinated against Covid-19 was an outrageous infringement on freedom…