Tag: embarrassing

  • Thinking of Trying a Hollywood Wax?

    Thinking of Trying a Hollywood Wax?

    Article written in 2018 Last year I finally bit the bullet and had my first ever wax. Reasons I had previously chosen shaving/hair removal cream over waxing: Didn’t want a stranger to see my special lady area Didn’t think I could handle the pain Thought the whole thing would be terribly embarrassing I booked myself…

  • Breastfeeding Mishaps

    Breastfeeding Mishaps

    As a breastfeeding mother, I’ve had a couple of embarrassing moments that I thought I’d share. The first one happened when my baby was just a few weeks old. We had gone to a birthday party and about half an hour in, Olivia got hungry. I went outside and used a nursing cover to feed…