Category: Other

  • Feeling Self Conscious?

    Feeling Self Conscious?

    Have you ever said or done something stupid and thought the world is there watching, judging or laughing at you? It may feel that way, but most people are too busy in their own heads for you to occupy their thoughts. That trip you did walking into a meeting may feel like the fail of…

  • My Breastfeeding Journey so far

    My Breastfeeding Journey so far

    This might sound strange but I’ve never been more determined to do anything in my life other than to breastfeed. I remember pretending to breastfeed my dolls as a small child, looking forward to a time when I’d have my own real baby! It was only when I fell pregnant, and my Instagram account began…

  • Observations of Class Differences and The University Experience

    Observations of Class Differences and The University Experience

    Article written 2015 My university experience was absolutely not like this: It would seem logical to go to university if your desired career requires a degree or because you have an acute thirst for knowledge. Yet from my own experience it seems that a lot of people spend thousands of pounds studying for a subject…

  • From Naivety to Left-Wing Politics to Libertarianism – My Political Journey

    Article written in 2015 When I was 16 I attended a seminar about exploitation at a local university. The seminar leader asked us to discuss how we are victims of capitalism. Clutching my designer handbag and wearing my Diesel jeans I responded, “I don’t think I am a victim of capitalism. I love shopping!” I…

  • Thinking of Trying a Hollywood Wax?

    Thinking of Trying a Hollywood Wax?

    Article written in 2018 Last year I finally bit the bullet and had my first ever wax. Reasons I had previously chosen shaving/hair removal cream over waxing: Didn’t want a stranger to see my special lady area Didn’t think I could handle the pain Thought the whole thing would be terribly embarrassing I booked myself…

  • Stoicism Changed My Life

    Stoicism Changed My Life

    I always used to think that the key to happiness was being relentlessly optimistic. Put a smile on your face and believe that your dreams will come true! But the problem is that life doesn’t always go to plan. When your dog has eaten an entire Easter egg and you’re on your way to the emergency…